
Latest releases

Today, a summary of the recent releases related to Kaori Yuki.

  • Angel Sanctuary - Tokyo Chronos volume 2: out on the 19th January 2024 in Japan (one year after the volume 1). ISBN: 9784592212928.
  • Angel Sanctuary - Tokyo Chronos chapter 15 (the most recent): prepublised online on the 19th January 2024.
  • Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost: in France, the 5th and last volume was released on the 29th November 2023.

I've updated the AS-TC gallery with the colour illustrations found at the beginning of the volumes 1 & 2 (4 per book, see below), these are title pages of the chapters prepublished in the online magazine Hana Yume Ai.

9784592212928 astc-titlepg-ch12 astc-titlepg-ch13 astc-titlepg-ch14 astc-titlepg-ch15
Tokyo Chronos Tokyo Chronos Tokyo Chronos Tokyo Chronos Tokyo Chronos Tokyo Chronos Tokyo Chronos Tokyo Chronos


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