Japan: episode 2 of the series Ludwig Fantasia (sequel of Ludwig Revolution), based upon the Japanese tale "Princess Kaguya" will seemingly count 2 or 3 chapters. The first one has been released on 25th May (46 pages) and the second one is scheduled on 26th June in Betsuhana #8, in 8 days (42 pages).
The mangaka doesn't follow the Grimm stories for the series anymore. Lui arrives by ship in the two stories so far, maybe this is his new way of travelling: did Kaori Yuki plan on using tales that have something to do with water, sea, islands...?
Counting about 45 pages per chapter, 4 are needed to release one book. If a fourth chapter gets released not long after "Kaguya Hime" (end of July for instance), we can most likely expect to see a volume of Ludwig Fantasia released before the end of the year. :)